Sep 19, 2012

Safe Forex Investment

Star Capital Investment 

Star capital financial services limited is a Forex company based in New Zealand, where its branches are found in many other countries.

The company`s address:

41 Shortland Street, Axa Centre, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
Star Capital Company established in 2010 where the company works in the Forex market

Contact Information

Australia: +6 128 417 2337
Bahrain: +9 731 619 8563
Canada: +1 416 628 9071
Egypt: +2 022 488 6925
UK: +4 420 360 83448
US: +1 347 480 2124

The company site

The company job:
The company job simply giving you the chance to open an account for a defined amount of money and to get interest at this amount monthly.

Q : what's the minimum amount I can deposit in such account?
The minimum amount is 1000$

Q : what's the interest percentage monthly ?
The company gives accumulative interest at the money in range from 5.11% to 10.49% of your money 

Example: you deposits 1000 $, monthly you'll get interest in range from 51.1 to 104.9 $

Q : can I withdraw any amount of my account in any time or all the amount from the account ?
Sure you can withdraw any amount you want in any time from your StarCapital account to your personal account in the bank just by pressing – transfer funds-

Q : In case of withdrawing all the amount before the month end there's any interest will be  counted for me?
Yes in case you withdraw the entire amount before the month end, the interest counts completely for you.

Q : how can I follow my account and to make deposit or withdrawals ?
When you open an account you get an account number and a password, through which you can follow your account and know your balance in addition to make the withdrawing and deposing in this account through the company site.

Q: If I opened an account in this company, is there any proof I have such account?
At the account opening, you will get a signed certificate by the branch manager and sealed by the company seal by your amount of money, which's a clear proof of your account.

Q : the  Forex market practice high degree of risk, and the company may loss ?
The company uses a system to minimize the risk degree to control such losses, in addition to the people who manage such accounts have great experience for long time in the stock market, and have authenticated certificates in the technical and basic analysis

Very important question

Q : what are the guarantees the company may offer to the clients?
The company registered at the New Zealand government under No. 3265590, and you may visit the New Zealand governmental site to be sure of that
The New Zealand governmental duty is to protect the company investors from any fraud may happen in the investors deposits (HSBC)
All the deposits found in accounts registered by the client's names in the bank, so in case the company has any problem the clients deposits will be in save in the bank.
We'll suppose that, you opened an account and deposited 1000 $, that mean the company will open an account for you in the bank by 1000 $, so if the company has some problem your money will in save in the bank HSBC

The company is registered at the British government, and the data as following and you may find its link by Google to be sure of that.

-Star Capital Finance LTD., UK is registered as an appointed representative of Sapia Partners LLP who is authorized and regulated by the FSA UK. Star Capital Finance LTD's FSA number is 581128.

- Star Capital Finance LTD, UK is located at 125 Old Broad Street, London, UK, EC2N 1AR and registered in UK companies' house under number 07907249.

-Star Capital Finance LTD., UK is registered under the FSA number 581128 as an appointed representative of Sapia Partners LLP as a fund manager and financial advisor.

-Star Capital Marketing, SAE, is outsourced by Star Bank for the marketing and customer support operations of Star Account.

-Star Capital Finance LTD, NZ, is registered as an appointed representative of Star Bank, license number L99421/SB for the management of Star Account.

Q : how can I open an account?
On The official site of the company through the following link

FYI: Your interest will not depend on your ability to attract others to the company, and this is the best thing, and not similar to other companies which obligate you to attract people to join so you can make profit, means you may consider this account as a savings account  

For any questions or inquiries you can reach me out on

Sep 14, 2012

Star Capital Forex Investment

بدون مقدمات ندخل فى الموضوع على طول

التعريف بالشركة:

شركة ستار كابتل
(Star capital financial services limited) هيا شركة نيوزلاندية ولها فروع فى دول كتير

عنوان الشركة فى نيوزلندا:
41 Shortland Street, Axa Centre, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand

عنوان الشركة فى مصر:
ابراج المعادى ستار امام نادى ضباط القوات المسلحة

تاسست شركة ستار كابتل عام 2010
والشركة بتعمل فى مجال بورصة العملات ( الفوركس)

Contact Information

Australia:+6 128 417 2337
Bahrain:+9 731 619 8563
Canada:+1 416 628 9071
Egypt:+2 022 488 6925
UK:+4 420 360 83448
US:+1 347 480 2124

موقع الشركة:

وظيفة الشركة:
وظيفة الشركة ببساطة شديدة انك بتفتح حساب فى الشركة بمبلغ معين وبتجيلك ارباح على المبلغ شهريا

س: اية اقل مبلغ ممكن افتح بية الحساب؟
اقل مبلغ لفتح الحساب1000 دولار امريكى

س: كم الارباح التى ساحصل عليها شهريا
الشركة تعطى ارباح شهريا من 5.11% الى %10.49 من قيمة الحساب
فالنفترض انك فتحت حساب ب 1000 دولار هيجيلك ارباح شهرية من 51.10 الى 104.9
دولار شهريا

س:هل ممكن اسحب اى مبلغ من حسابى فى اى وقت او اسحب كل المبلغ الموجود بالحساب؟
طبعا ممكن تسحب اى مبلغ انت عاوزة فى اى وقت او تسحب الحساب كلة بدون اى شروط على حسابك الشخصى فى البنك بمجرد الضغط على ( Transfer Funds ) من الاكونت بتاعك

س:فى حالة سحب كل المبلغ الموجود بالحساب قبل اخر الشهر هل تحتسب الارباح؟
نعم ففى حالة سحب المبلغ الموجود فى الحساب قبل اخر الشهر تحتسب الارباح كاملة

س:كيف يمكننى متابعة الحساب الخاص بى وعمل سحب او ايداع فى الحساب؟
عند فتح الحساب الشركة تعطيك رقم حساب وباسورد يمكنك من خلالهم متابعة حسابك ومعرفة الفلوس الموجودة بالحساب وعمل السحب والايداع وذلك من خلال موقع الشركة

س:لو فتحت حساب فى الشركة ايه الى يثبت انى فاتح حساب فى الشركة؟
عند فتح الحساب الشركة بتديلك شهادة ممضية من مدير الفرع وعليها ختم الشركة وبها المبلغ المفتوح بة الحساب تثبت انك فاتح حساب فى الشركة

س: البورصة تعتمد على درجة كبيرة من الخطورة وممكن الشركة تخسر
الشركة تعتمد على نظام باقل درجة من الخطورة بحيث انها تقدر تتحكم فى اى خسائر قد تحدث وبخلاف ذللك فاللذين يديرون الحساب اشخاص على خبرة كبيرة فى سوق العملات ولهم سنوات فى هذا المجال وحاصلين على شهادات معتمدة فى التحليل الفنى والاساسى

سؤال مهم جدا

س: اية الضمنات الى بتقدمها الشركة لودائع المستثمرين؟

اول حاجة الشركة متسجلة فى الحكومة النيوزلاندية تحت رقم 3265590
دة موقع خاص بالحكومة النيوزلاندية وممكن تدخل على الموقع الخاص بالحكومة وتتاكد
ومهمة الحكومة النيوزلاندية انها تحمى المستثمرين فى الشركة من اى تلاعب فى ودائع المستثمرين

الشركة مسجلة فى الحكومة الانجليزية و البايانات كالاتى م ممكن اى حد زى ما انا عملت يدور بنفسة على جوجل للتاكد منه
-Star Capital Finance LTD., UK is registered as an appointed representative of Sapia Partners LLP who is authorized and regulated by the FSA UK. Star Capital Finance LTD's FSA number is 581128. Star Capital Finance LTD, UK is located at 125 Old Broad Street, London, UK, EC2N 1AR and registered in UK companies' house under number 07907249.

-Star Capital Finance LTD., UK is registered under the FSA number 581128 as an appointed representative of Sapia Partners LLP as a fund manager and financial advisor.

-Star Capital Marketing, SAE, is outsourced by Star Bank for the marketing and customer support operations of Star Account.

-Star Capital Finance LTD, NZ, is registered as an appointed representative of Star Bank, license number L99421/SB for the management of Star Account.

س: كيف يمكننى فتح الحساب؟

عن طريق اللينك دة اللى بياخدك على الموقع الرسمى للشركة

بس انت الربح بتاعك مش مرتبط بانك تجيب حد و دى احسن حاجة مش زى شركات تانية لازم تجيب اعضاء عشان يدخلك ربح يعنى تقدر تعتبرة حساب توفير

اخيرا احب اوضح ان الكلام اللى مكتوب دة ناتج خبرة 3 سنين مع الشركة دى بدون ادنى شكوى او مشاكل , و دى شهادة حق من غير اى مصالح شخصية

For any questions or inquiries you can reach me out on

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